
As the agricultural sector produces around 9% of the UK’s carbon emissions, farmers are under increasing pressure to reduce their environmental impact. Many are turning to renewable energy in the form of biogas plants, such as anaerobic digestors.

By converting farm waste into clean, cheaper electricity anaerobic digestors help reduce a farmer’s carbon footprint. Crucially, they also provide farmers with additional income. Similar renewable energy projects are already helping power 1.2 million British homes and this is only set to grow…

Helps achieve UK’s 2050 emissions target

Anaerobic digestors can make a significant contribution towards the government’s 2050 net zero carbon emission targets by helping reduce agricultural emissions, decarbonise the national grid and provide clean gas for transport.

Generates income for farmers

In addition to reducing the carbon footprint of farming practices, farmers can sell the clean energy created by storing met­­­hane back to the national grid for extra income.

A unique opportunity for investors

Government schemes supporting renewable energy, combined with the fact that the agricultural sector is starved of investment from traditional institutions, provides a huge opportunity for private wealth investors.